How to Make Your Floors Glow in the Dark With Epoxy

One unique flooring idea is to add a glow-in-the-dark feature to your floors. These are excellent choices for night clubs, salons and spas, music studios, or anywhere you just want an automatic night light in an area or to add an interesting feature in your home no one else has. There are several options for creating a glow-in-the-dark floor using epoxy. Each one has its benefits and can produce a different look. Let’s take a look at how you can create this one-of-a-kind flooring option!

Flake Epoxy

One way you can create a glow in the dark floor is using flakes. With flakes, available in metal and vinyl as well as other materials, you broadcast them over the floor. There are green, blue, and aqua colored options available. This is a great choice if you want the entire floor to glow. You can also mix the colors together for a unique look. One benefit of using flakes is you can determine how heavy or light you want your flake coating to be. This is a very popular choice for garages. You can ues metallic flakes, so that the floor shines during the day and then sparkles like the sky at night. Use blue flakes to achieve this look.

Powder Additives With Epoxy

Another option for glow-in-the-dark epoxy floors is to use a powder additive. There are many color additives to choose from, including green, aqua, blue, pineapple, orange, and white. With powder additives, you add them to the epoxy. You can then pour the epoxy onto the flooring surface. You can use a couple of different colors and pour them in different patterns to make a super cool floor. You can even have fun and paint on designs, allow them to dry, and then pour clear epoxy over the entire floor. Then, the designs will only show up in the dark or under a black light and will really stand out! Epoxy Contractors

PremIxed Epoxies

You can purchase premixed epoxies to decorate your floor with as well. Many of these are painted on, so they are very simple to use. You can use a roller to roll your floor out, and then wait for the evening to come so you can enjoy your work. Epoxy Directory

Want to make your floors glow in the dark? Visit one of our epoxy suppliers for supplies today!