How Permanent Is Laser Hair Removal
While it is a costly process laser hair removal can be a great process to go through to improve your self esteem and get rid of any unwanted hair that you are tired of shaving or waxing. The results last much longer but many people wonder how permanent laser hair removal is.
Spending thousands of dollars on treatments may be justifiable if you will be hair free for many years to come but if the hair is going to grow back in a couple of months, this might not be an option you are willing to investigate.
How Does It Work?
When laser light is directed onto your skin, the light is absorbed directly by the pigment in your hair inside of the follicle. This creates heat and when enough heat is generated, it will destroy any chance of hair growth down at the center of the follicle. Treatments are needed over the course of four to six weeks because body hair actually goes through a rest and growth cycle and when at rest, it might not be possible to eradicate certain follicles.
How Long Does It Last?
The answer to this question can be somewhat complicated. Certain people are better candidates for laser hair removal west palm beach. People who have fair skin and dark, coarse hair will find they have better results than people with red or blond hair. Basically, in order to have permanent results you need enough pigment in the hair for the heat to be generated. There is no real way of knowing though, how long your procedure will last.
Of course, if you want lasting results and a job well done you want to use a reputable laser hair removal facility such as AQUA Laser Studio, near West Palm Beach, Florida.