Water Softeners Are They Worth the Expense

Did you know that soap scum, spots on dishes, rough or stiff clothes, and even dry skin are all symptoms of hard water?

What’s The Big Deal About Hard Water?

Everything that water touches can either become clean from softened water or they can hold steins and new buildup from heavy minerals in hard water. And some of those can cause gross odors and even germs to redistribute on our skin, clothes, dishes and other surfaces. That is not only a disgusting thought, but it could also be dangerous to the health of everyone in your home or business.

Is A Water Softener System Worth The Cost?

You may think that it’s not a big deal to put up with hard water and calling a water softener company is not worth the cost to buy, install, and maintain a system. But how much do you spend by not having one? Do you buy lotions creams and treatments for your dry or damaged skin and hair? How about using extra soap or detergents to get things clean? Deodorizers, medications for unknown illnesses, repeatedly buying new things to replace items that should have lasted longer, are all more expensive than the cost a system to prevent the problems to begin with.

Start With Trusted Water Softener Company

Many water softener companies around the country are happy to offer free tests and quotes on a system that could work for your home or business as well as explain the factors affecting your location including water table/ source, plumbing fixtures, building size and age, etc.

You can visit americanwatertx.com for more information on Kinetico systems that can work for your needs, or call the Austin based water softener company at (512) 388-0022 for a test and quote.